Downtown Jimmie Hale Mission log

Hope to healing since 1944

Be part of the impact

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WDJC Form Demo

Placeholder form for client pages
Your Name(Required)
Your Email(Required)

This is a text block. For demonstration purposes, it is set as blockquote. Change the setting for the particular purpose. HTML can be changed in ‘Text’ tab of this copy block.

— Person Quoted
Optional Title and/or Organization Name

Click/tap logo to visit Jimmie Hale Mission’s website

Add Your Heading Text Here

This is an example of a copy block. Add/modify/delete as appropriate.

There are several types of content on this template, but only to give you a sense of commonly used elements. You are NOT required to ‘fill in the blanks” as they are. There are other type of elements available to use to make the page user friendly and helpful.

Jessie's Place logo
Royal Pines logo
Shepura logo

You can use whatever type of content you need in the main section of client pages that accomplishes your marketing objective. DO NOT add elements just because you can

These pages are responsive, so as you add content, pay attention to the general layout of the page (balanced, aesthetically pleasing, etc.), and consider how it will look on desktops/laptop vs tablet vs mobile phone. You can arrange elements in the order you want them to appear on given devices; e.g., the form is on the left so that it’s first below the hero.

Success Stories:

Downtown Jimmie Hale Mission, Inc. is a Christian-based, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, which includes a homeless shelter for men, a shelter for women and children, recovery programs, and three learning centers. This charity is often misspelled Jimmy Hale Mission. Federal Tax ID: 63-0358757

Our location (tag: H3)

Headline for content below (default tag: H3)

Copy can go here. In this example, we’ve added a photo (it could be a picture of the client). A possible use case is as a blockquote.

We’ve used a picture as the background in this section, adding a blur effect.  But the background can be single color or a gradient of two colors.  We’ve also added a background overlay to soften the picture.

Headline for content below (default tag: H2)

Text or sales copy can go here. Add/modify/delete elements as appropriate.

Video below for demonstration purposes only. Default video display settings: Show controls. Image overlay default settings: Show image overlay; Play icon on; Lightbox on. Required 16:9 aspect ratio video poster (1280px X 720px minimum size, 1920px X 1080px recommended).

Again, you are not required to use video, here or elsewhere. Other content can include copy, graphics, etc. Similarly, if this entire section is not needed for the client in question, simply delete it.

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