Contact Garage in Pelham
“The Garage in Pelham is THE place to go if you have any car troubles. I had the front ball joints replaced on my vehicle. They had quoted me a price and when the work was finished and I went to pay it was cheaper than the original quote. They could have easily charged me the agreed upon quote but they passed the savings along.”
Click/tap logo to visit The Garage’s website
The Garage is open Monday through Friday, 7:30AM – 5:00 PM. Get in touch by calling 205-982-1984 or emailing them at info@thegarageinpelham.com
The Garage in Pelham is a family business — in every sense of the word
When you chose The Garage to service your vehicle you are choosing to support a locally owned family business. We recognize that it is rarely convenient to have a mechanical breakdown. This is why we offer free local shuttle service, free Wifi, after hours drop off/pickup, online scheduling, a comfortable & clean lobby, and same day repairs whenever possible.

The longest warranty in the business
30 months or 30,000 miles
The Garage’s 30 mo./30,000 mile warranty is a true nationwide warranty. Most repairs they do that are more than $25 are automatically enrolled. So, if you ever had a problem anywhere in the country, you can be linked up with one of over 10,000 repair shops around the nation. The repair would be covered 100% by the warranty company up to the amount of our original repair invoice. Secondly, all customers now have roadside assistance 24/7 through this program. It does NOT have to be related to a repair that we performed. This includes, flat tires, towing, gas, water, jump start, lock out service, etc. This service is based on reimbursement up to $75.
Find that anywhere else.
New customers: Save 15% on labor
If you’re choosing The Garage for the first time as the place you should get your car or truck serviced, then as a WDJC listener, you’re entitled to a 15% discount for the labor on your first order. Just download and print the coupon above and present it when your write up order repair order.