You the Citizen – The Vote

POLITICIANS LIE!All of them. Do you know of any politician at any level of government who tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, all the time, do you? I don’t.It is as though for one to become a politician is for that candidate or elected official to embrace the lie. To compromise, to sell the soul, or be willing to do so, to play the game, the political game. Politicians deceive. They will do or say virtually anything to get elected, and then again re-elected. So much of WE THE PEOPLE have come to expect


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Christians believe they should share biblical solutions to America’s cultural issues.Rightly so, for our Lord told us as true…
We the people so privileged to live in America have so much to be thankful for. God has allowed…
“Elections 2024 are over, most thankfully!The campaigns for elections began so early and lasted so long that Americans experienced:ELECTION…
“It’s over! Finally, Elections 2024 are over and done with.It may have been, say many American legal citizens, the…