Home Schooling

Public schools in communities across the country have failed to educate students.Have they ever, with very few exceptions.Public schools have failed and are continuing to fail to educate students. The worst part about all of this is that there really is no solution in sight. It really seems as though public education will only get worse.Years ago, parents and taxpayers lost control. Perhaps that loss was gradual. Perhaps parents were in default, indifferent, and many others feeling simply helpless. They lost control, these parents did, to what Matthew Hennessey, Wall Street Journal Deputy Editorial Editor, called:THE EDUCATION BLOG.The blog


More Episodes

Every four years it seems, we the people are told that we will face the most important election ever…
Are you afraid? Do you fear the future?Are you afraid or at least deeply concerned about America, the radical…
Owe no man nothing, says the scripture.The fact remains, however, that every single American is in debt, EVERY ONE…
There was a time, in America no less, when true evangelicals, real born-again Christians, were of great moral influence…