Itchy Ears

We who believe live in a day and age of so-called:PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY.Progressive means that Christians today are subject to new interpretations of scripture, a redefinition of what Christianity is all about, a resetting of Christian values, morals, and priorities, and most of all, a battle with a foreign and antagonistic culture like never before. The Bible, always presumed to be the inspired word of God, becomes more of a moral guide rather than statement of absolute truth. The Bible is subject to mankind’s interpretation and even an individual’s sense of right and wrong, rather than the infallible standards of


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Every four years it seems, we the people are told that we will face the most important election ever…
Are you afraid? Do you fear the future?Are you afraid or at least deeply concerned about America, the radical…
Owe no man nothing, says the scripture.The fact remains, however, that every single American is in debt, EVERY ONE…
There was a time, in America no less, when true evangelicals, real born-again Christians, were of great moral influence…